Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What Are Trail Bloggers????

Webster defines a trail as a path. What are the Trails of Rockport? The Trails are paths that will lead us on multiple journeys and will help us to:

Encounter God's Love
Grow in God's Love
Give in God's Love
Serve in God's Love

Each Trail will take a different directions depending on the interests of those walking the path. Trail groups may meet ina home setting; others in a restaurant while yet another might meet in a museum or theater. A trail may lend itself to a quilting group, Bible study, book group, DVD study or various sporting events. The possibilities and opportunities are endless!!!

Rockport's Trails will make new opportunities for you to become more involved with the members of our church family as well as with others who are friends beyond the circle of our Rockport family. Please be thinking about a group you would like to be a part of. What are your interests?

As the coming weeks unfold you will see, hear and discover more about Trails of Rockport.

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