Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Connection with others in significant relationships." Acts 2:46

Welcome To The Trails in Rockport.

Two exciting Trails I want to share with you.

A Health and Wellness Trail meets at the church on Sunday evenings at 7:00PM. This group will meet beginning March 7 and complete on April 18. The Trail group will not meet on Easter. Topics for discussion include: How to have a Healthy Mind; How to have a Healthy Body; How to have a Healthy Spirit; How to be Healthy in an Unhealthy World; The last week of discussion will center around the topic of Our Role in God's Plan for a Healthy World.

We also are beginning a new Trail group entitled "Serving the Hungry".If you have been feeling the Spirit nudging you to "do something" consider this Trail. We will be serving food at one of the hunger centers. Places, Days and Times to be decided by the people "on the Trail."

If you have an interest in joining one of these Trails please contact Reverend Barbara Davis at (440) 331-9433.

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