Wednesday, August 18, 2010

All new Trail Group adventures will begin this fall. A Trail is a group of 6-12 people who meet weekly or bi-monthly for four to six weeks to participate in various activities and studies. Some groups meet outside of the church walls while others meet in the church parlor. You are encouraged to bring a friend with you as you embark upon a Trail. Everyone is welcome.

Days and times of these Trails will be determined by the group.

New Trail Opportunities for Fall 2010:

BS(bible study) with Pastor, Fall Theater Outings, What's a Methodist?, Board Games(Mexican Dominoes, Sequence,etc),Anyone for Cards, Dining Out, Low Impact Aerobics, Tai Chi, or Your Idea.

Beginning September 9th, is a Parenting Trail geared to parents of younger children. 6:00-6:30 pm is dinner and 6:30-8:00pm is a workshop. This is a four week Trail. If interest please stop by the church to register or call the church office. Dinner and Childcare are being provided. You should register by Friday, September 3rd.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Biking Trail Group

The Biking Trail Group is in full swing. They will be meeting Sat., July 24 at 10:00 am in the Rocky River Metroparks on Valley Parkway at the intersection of Cedar Pt. Rd. and Valley Parkway. Check out what fun you can have.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

In August a Trail will lead you and your friends to Cambridge,Ohio to enjoy The Living Word Outdoor Drama. We will leave Rockport on a Lakefront Tour Bus on Saturday, August 14th. Along the way we will stop for a meal, at your own cost, and then proceed to Cambridge to witness Ohio's only Passion Play. We will return to Rockport lake that night.

If you are interested in this Trail play notify the church office. Sign up sheets will also be available outside the church office. The cost is $45.00 per person which covers your travel expenses and your ticket into the play.

Ice-cream Trail found at Rockport.

Come, join us and enjoy. Every Wednesday evening from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Free ice-cream and good fellowship can be found in abundance. We are having a heat wave, why not cool down with a dish of free ice-cream and good company. Join us and feel free to bring a friend.

Trail groups are forging ahead. Golf and biking Trails are having great summer fun. The discussion group on "The Shack" meets on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 p.m. throughout July.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summer is here and the Trails in Rockport are leading to summer fun. If you haven't signed up to participate in a Trail Group it isn't to late. Trails with room for a few more Trail Participants
include the following: Summer Theater, Biking, Dining Out, and Golf. If you are interested call the church.

The month of July will add yet another Trail Group as we share our thoughts on the book The Shack. The dates for this Trail are July 7,14,21,28. Mark your Wednesday evenings from 7:00PM-8:30 PM. Bring your favorite lawn chair as we will meet outdoors in the area of the chapel.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rockport Trail groups are leading people on paths of adventure, fellowship and fun. New Trails that may catch your attention are:Summer Theater Adventures, Dining Out, Gourmet Cooking, Scrap Booking, Biking and a book discussion on The Shack.

If you are interested in one of these Trail groups please sign up on the clip boards outside of the parlor or call Rockport UMC leaving your name and how you can be reached. Dates and times for these Trails will be announced in the near future.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Connection with others in significant relationships." Acts 2:46

Welcome To The Trails in Rockport.

Two exciting Trails I want to share with you.

A Health and Wellness Trail meets at the church on Sunday evenings at 7:00PM. This group will meet beginning March 7 and complete on April 18. The Trail group will not meet on Easter. Topics for discussion include: How to have a Healthy Mind; How to have a Healthy Body; How to have a Healthy Spirit; How to be Healthy in an Unhealthy World; The last week of discussion will center around the topic of Our Role in God's Plan for a Healthy World.

We also are beginning a new Trail group entitled "Serving the Hungry".If you have been feeling the Spirit nudging you to "do something" consider this Trail. We will be serving food at one of the hunger centers. Places, Days and Times to be decided by the people "on the Trail."

If you have an interest in joining one of these Trails please contact Reverend Barbara Davis at (440) 331-9433.

Monday, February 22, 2010

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see Day approaching." Hebrews 10: 24-25

Trail groups gather together to provide fellowship and mutual support for one another. They encourage and build up one another so that the body of Christ can be cared for.

If you are interested in becoming a member of a Trail group please contact Reverend Barbara Davis at the church. Presently we are organizing three Trails, a study trail, mission trail and a golf trail.

Remember, Trail groups are four to six weeks in duration and usually meet once a week