Thursday, January 28, 2010

Connections with others in significant relationships.(Acts:2-46)

As a Trail participant you will answer God's call to participate in community in order to grow in Christ- likeness, to express and receive care from each other, pray, share your story and serve.

Trails in Rockport will lead us to God by reflecting Christ in community and making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World. Each Trail will have its own interest/focus and will incorporate four basic concepts:

Encounter God's Love
Grow in God's Love
Give in God's Love
Serve in God's Love

Trail adventures will begin in February.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"He appointed twelve-designating them apostles that they might be with him." Mark 3:14

Trail groups provide the optimal environment for the relationships Jesus intends for people. Trail groups will develop relationships with people we know as our Rockport family and will help us to develop relationships with people we know as neighbors and new acquaintances. Trail participants will care about one another with God's love and caring and will experience the life
Christ promised at the deepest level.

A variety of Trails will be provided to meet the individual and diverse needs of our church community.

Think about an interest you have. Are you interested in book reviews, golf, study opportunities, mission, theater, or lunch with friends. It is all possible in a Trail group. What is your dream?